Tuesday, July 14, 2009

AHHH, NO!!!!

it think its cool other cultures admire our swag, our style and things and by no means is this racist in any way. this is just the difference between paying respect and doing too much. some re-makes on the run-dmc shit are cool, well done. like the obama run dc shirt, totally fresh. this is where friends should not let friends come out the house like this, let alone design a whole brand around this look. the gold chain makes me want to either choke him with it or beat him with it. this is not where we intended it to go. dude this is not an attack because you are white, this is an attack because your shit is wack and somebody has got to say something. maybe get paid, maybe get laid but we will not be getting rad any time soon bro. pure crap. if anybody knows this dude and he is more than a model for the company, just give him a hug and make him stop please. i mean the photographer, the model the designer, nobody stepped up to say this is insulting. so blah%$#%$#

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